Public Concerns

LinqThingz Provide Predictive mobility solutions to identify and route traffic from highway rail grade crossing before congestion and safety issues occur.

As part of our Wisconsin Rapids rails study we offered provide a public survey with the following results.

A public survey was created and made available to the public at:

955 residents responded as of December 8, 2022.

Note that we also have surveys in other counties. An updated link will be provided to the list.

Summary Result: Rail congestion is a concern for 95% of the survey respondents followed by safety, noise and pollution.

Summary Result: 95% of the community respondents have been blocked by rail traffic in the past 30 days.

Summary Result: Almost 60% of the community respondents have experienced blockages over 20 minutes in the past 30 days.

Summary Result: Almost 75% of the community wait time at a crossing is between 5 and 20 minutes.

Summary Result: 85% of the community have missed important appointments due to blocked crossings.

Summary Result: Almost 95% of the community engages in dangerous safety behavior to avoid blocked crossings. Standard safety measures do not address this behavior issue that causes over 70% of grade crossing fatalities according to the FRA.

Summary Result: More than 85% change travel plans to address rail crossings. However, no one has information about when they will be delayed or for how long. The crossings are blocked only about 6% of the time. This means, 85% of the time residents alter their plans even though there is a 94% chance that they will not be blocked at a crossing.

Summary Result: 95% of the impact is people driving their own vehicle.

Summary Result: 98% of the community think that rail and truck traffic is important.

Summary Result: About 18% of the Wisconsin Rapids residents also experience the congestion problems in neighboring communities.